Get Involved
Volunteer Application
Volunteer with Us
Give support: Donate to our mission, fundraise, educate yourself by attending an overdose prevention training, help expand our network by spreading the word
Give time: Street outreach, make kits, network opportunities such as participation in events, support with finding resources for nutritional support, hygiene products, clothing, outdoor living items such as blankets, sleeping bags, tarps, propane
Give talent: Help with administrative work such as assisting with data entry, organizing, mentor a peer
In-Kind Donations
WELCOMED SUPPLIES: socks, hats, hand-warmers, batteries, flashlights, solar-powered external batteries, propane, sleeping bags, tents, blankets, tarps, hygiene supplies, gift cards, phone chargers, water bottles, sunscreen, condoms, pregnancy tests; if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to email us at
Interested in supporting with your time and skills? Please complete our Volunteer Application.
Monetary Donations
MONETARY DONATIONS: Donate with PayPal, Venmo, or credit/debit card with the widget titled “Support CHR” on this page.
All donations are applied to supplies for our clients + administrative and operations costs. Please include a comment if you would like to direct your donation to a specific item or in memorium of a loved one. You will receive a receipt in the email provided.