Few resources available to combat homelessness in Cochise County

Cochise County faces significant challenges in addressing homelessness, with a growing senior homeless population and limited affordable housing options. The situation is particularly dire for those on fixed incomes or earning minimum wage. As one survey respondent noted, “…when I went to housing meetings the representatives from different housing agencies would speak on what they have to offer, and it doesn’t come close to Cochise County. Just Pima County alone, they far exceed what we have.”

While the county has six shelter facilities, including Bisbee Coalition for the Homeless and Good Neighbor Alliance-Samaritan Station in Sierra Vista, resources remain scarce. The Morrison Institute at Arizona State University criticized the county’s allocation of American Rescue Plan Act funds, stating, “They failed to allocate any funding for housing programs or assistance. This is contrary to other counties in the state that have set aside a portion of their ARPA funds for affordable housing development, rent and mortgage assistance and case management services for households experiencing housing insecurity.”

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